Reasons to Reelect Obama

September/05/2012 16:00PM
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If you are on food stamps or would like to be on food stamps, he’s your man.

If you ran out your unemployment and got on disability, and have no interest in going back to work, he’s your man.

If you came into the country illegally, he’s your man.

If you believe he can stop the tides from rising and save the planet, and are willing to pay $5 for gasoline and have your utility bills double, he’s your man.

If you are a bear and shorting the stock market, he’s you man.

If you are indifferent about Iran nuking Israel, he’s your man.

If you want gay marriage, he’s your man.

If you believe Catholic institutions should provide birth control free, he’s your man.

If you want to see our defense dismantled, he’s your man.

If your life is better now than it was 4 years ago, he’s your man.

If you need Medicaid, he’s your man.

If you have no kids or grand kids to worry about down the road and want to break the bank getting everything you can get for yourself, he’s your man.

If you are more impressed by words than deeds, he’s definitely your man.

If having an imbecile for a Vice President humors you, he’s your man.

If the truth doesn’t matter to you, he’s your man.

If you belong to any union that will keep taking your dues and gets you great benefits the country can’t afford, he’s your man.

If you are an incompetent teacher with tenure, he’s your man.

If you are a college graduate who can’t get a job and has student loans you can’t pay back but value cool over competent, he’s your man.

Last, but not least, if you value a nice lady’s rear, he’s really your man.

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