Could Bernie Sanders Bankrupt America?

September/07/2019 6:38AM
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First let’s examine what Bernie’s wife, Jane, did to a college and how she managed to bankrupt Burlington College: And think about this. If Jane can bankrupt a college in 5 years could Bernie bankrupt a county in 4 years?

Key to that was a 2010 purchase of lakefront property on Lake Champlain with a hefty price tag of $10 million, a deal that was orchestrated by Jane Sanders. At the time, the purchase raised eyebrows in Vermont because of the school’s small operating budget and enrollment. Burlington College was dwarfed by the University of Vermont, located only two miles away but with an enrollment of almost 12,000 students. She bought lakefront property for $10 million to grow a college with an enrollment of 200 students. As the article (above) shows, to close out the bankruptcy of Burlington College a  bidder bought the property for $3.5 million.

This is wrong on so many fronts I hardly know where to begin. Let’s start with logic and common sense, something that is absent in the Sanders family. How would a college of 200 students support a purchase of bare land for $10 million. If she paid that for the land why was it sold for only $3.5 million a few years later? The Feds investigated this and just recently dropped the investigation. Jane Driscoll Sanders

So Jane goes from bankrupting a college to starting a think tank accepting donations for her and the son to think. This might be more creative than the Clinton Foundation. Who was making donations and how much were Jane and David being paid to think?

This is all I can find on the Sanders Institute.

From the VTDigger. “The Sanders Institute website launched on June 7, 2017, with 29,000 unique page views, according to IRS documents obtained by VTDigger. In the first two months of its existence, the site saw 126,000 visitors. With irregular updates and limited original content, traffic has taken a dive. The Sanders Institute saw roughly 12,300 unique page views in June 2018, according to Semrush, a website analytics company.

Some involved with Sanders’ political movement privately question the efficacy of the institute, but they declined to have their name attached to those comments for this article.

Jane Sanders wears many hats at the institute: founder, fellow, fundraiser and a non-voting member of the board of directors. The institute is being run by her son, David Driscoll, a political neophyte who previously worked at Burton Snowboards. His estimated salary for the job is $100,000.”

Summary: Another Sanders family failure. With zero funding and just years of blogging and loyal readers this blog has more traffic than the Sanders institute. It was closed not because of Bernie’s run for President but because, like Burlington College, it flopped.

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Comment (1)

  1. Alvah Withey says:

    Bill you can put a guy in a Sanitarium reading this. How about last night those 2 guys running in North Carolina were trailing the democrats Donald made a trip there and both of the Republicans WON!!

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